Forester Medical

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Product Detail

Biocan DHPPI, Lyophilisate for preparation of solution for injection

Live vaccine against canine distemper, inf. laryngotracheitis, inf. hepatitis, parvovirosis, parainfluenza in dogs.

Composition - 1 ml:

Freeze-dried component:      

Virus febris contagiosae canis min. 103,0 TCID50, max.104,5 TCID50

Virus laryngotracheitidis contagiosae canis min. 103,5 TCID50,max.104,5 TCID50

Parvovirus enteritidis canis min. 104,5 TCID50, max.105,5TCID50

Virus parainfluensis canis min. 103,0 TCID50, max.104,2 TCID50

Nutrimentum pro lyophilisatione ad 1 ml


Aqua pro injectione 1 ml

Freeze-dried injection

Immunological properties:

After being applied to the body of the vaccinated individual, the antigens present in the vaccine are recognized as extraneous elements and a number of defensive mechanisms in the body are activated (macrophages, opsonins, interleukins, B lymphocytes, etc.), in consequence of which specific antibodies against the antigen determinants contained in the vaccine start to form. The said mechanisms shall prevent from subsequent development of the infection after contagion.


For the active immunization of dogs against distemper, infectious hepatitis, infectious laryngotracheitis, parvovirosis and parainfluenza.

Target species


